Common Worms
Roundworms are one of the most common worms to infect our dogs and can be passed from one dog to another. Puppies can also be born with roundworm as they contract them through their mother. Roundworms look like pieces of spaghetti, can be a few inches long and can usually be seen in either the faeces or vomit of an infected dog.
Often dogs will not show any symptoms of having worms, so knowing your dog and noticing small changes in their health and behaviour is imperative. Signs may include:
Pot-bellied appearance
Weight loss
Coat condition can be affected
Tapeworms are very common and can be seen in an infected dog's faeces or possibly around their rear end. They are flat and tape like in appearance when 'whole' but more likely will be seen as white, rice like segments. Symptoms may include:
Weight loss
Coat condition can be affected
Irritated rear end - scooting across the floor
As with most worms, infection occurs through eating the faeces of other animals, which contains the larvae or eating infected animals, such as rodents. Foxes and other wild animals spread the larvae and try as we might, dogs will always eat or roll in things we would rather they didn't!
Please do speak with your vet to ensure your worming program is effective!